Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Town Full of Traditions

A Town Full of Traditions
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            Pastor Ortiz is a beautiful town. It’s located north of the state of Michoacán in México. There are about 10, 000 inhabitants. It has many interesting traditions. The three main dates that people celebrate are September 16, December 8, and December 25.

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            One of the most popular dates is September 16. It’s a very interesting cultural tradition. It’s a date when people celebrate the independence of México. Therefore, people make many different activities. First, people choose the most beautiful lady of the city, so that she is the queen of national holidays. Second, they make a huge parade, where all schools of the town unite to march through the streets of town. Third, they burn a big castle and burn lots of fireworks. In addition, over at night all the people of the town unite to shout out “Viva Mexico.”
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Perhaps the most common festivity is December 8. On this day, they celebrate the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception. People make a great party with all kinds of Mexican food like enchiladas, posole, tamales, tacos, atole, and more. They also have a big mass and sing “Las Mañanitas.” In addition, they make a big fair with rides to celebrate this day.
            Another very important date is December 25.On this day; people celebrate the birth of Jesus. Therefore, they make many pursuits to celebrate the day. First of all, they gather with their families and share a great dinner. Also, for almost the entire month of December, they make many “Posadas” where they break piñatas, dance, and play music. In addition, they give a lot of gifs to the children.
            Clearly, Pastor Ortiz is a beautiful place full of culture and traditions. It is a place where people of all ages can enjoy these traditions. Regardless, if you live here or not,  you will always be welcome here.

                   By: Martha Gonzalez

The Harvest of Sinaloa

People have wrong idea about of the harvest in Sinaloa. People believe that Sinaloa only produces a marijuana harvest. Everyone ignores or disregards the eighteen counties and that produce different kinds of fruit, vegetables, fish and even venom snake, without forgetting the three most important rivers that are the Tamazula River, Humaya River, and Culiacan River.

Sinaloa is well known to be the first state at tomatoes harvests. Also grow eggplants, cucumbers, carrots, squash and fruit has watermelon, strawberries, mangos, oranges, tamarindo. There are grains like peanuts; another important harvest is the sugarcane.  Clodomiro Picado institute raises around eight hundred sneak to subtract the venom of the sneak to prepare antivenin, to help people who have been bite for sneak. This process is called sneak venom harvest. 

Sinaloa has three important rivers that are Tamazula, Humaya and Culiacan. These rivers provide every county of water for the harvest. Their beaches are: Mazatlan is the principal beach because is visited for many tourists from different countries in holy week and carnival. Other beaches like Altata and El Tambor also are visited for their citizens. Sinaloa beaches produce produces shrimp, tuna, sea bass, sardines, and marlin. Mangroves are some of most known trees because on which they oysters grow.

Sinaloa state is border for friendly state such as: by north for Sonora State, at the south by Nayarit state, North East by Chihuahua and by the East the Durango state and finally by the West Sinaloa is border by the Golf of California.  

Most people who work in the field of Sinaloa came from different states from Mexico because of the agriculture and water that the state Sinaloa has; allowed to develop many opportunities of jobs for people.  

In conclusion, even though Sinaloa State offered jobs opportunities, for those who want to work in the harvest. Most of the people that work on the fields they lack many needs such as dignity live. They do not get enough paid to live dignity. For this reason before explained above some of those people preferred to work marijuana grows. For this wrong decision this people made that the State Sinaloa is well known for the marijuana harvest.


Friday, May 11, 2012

The San Marcos Fair at Aguascalientes, Mexico

            If you are thinking of taking an unforgettable vacation and spending time together, you must visit Aguascalientes, Mexico. There you will find an amazing fair in April that has been one of the most representative events in America Latin. At The San Marcos Fair there are a lot of attractions for families. The music, the food and the attractions at this fair are very important.

            Online you can find the schedule of the music events. There is the list of all the singers and actors that will be at the fair. Many of them will be at El Teatro del Pueblo, and you won not pay anything. Others will be at El Palenque de la Feria. All the family will find their favorite music.

            At the fair you will find the tasty food at the corner of each block. From far away you can smell the spicy and delicious food. This makes the fair unique in the world. The most popular dishes are the “gorditas” and “enchiladas.” The “gorditas,”are made from corn dough, and they are like a tortilla and stuffed whit your favorite stew. The “enchiladas,” are tortillas fried on California chili sauce and stuffed whit cheese, chicken, or potatoes, and covered with green salad and sour cream.

            The attractions are a lot of mechanics games along the main streets at the fair. The games are for all ages and tastes. In the fair you can find from the smaller to the biggest games. Also you can have a trip on the small train throughout the fair and museums. From the faster to the slowest game you can see all the people in the beautiful and amazing place.

            In conclusion, there you will find an unforgettable vacation or trip. With your family or friends, you will find many activities to do and participate. Regardless, if you live in Aguascalientes, Mexico or not, you will always be welcome.

 By Romina J. Chavez

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Perfect Place to Live

Uruapan, Michoacan is one of the most beautiful cities that I know not only in Michoacan, bat also in Mexico. It is Also the municipal seat. Uruapan is located in the west-central part of the Mexican state of Michoacan. The three aspects that make Uruapan,  Michoacan  the perfect place to live are: the nice weather, the tourism industry, and the avocado production.
The weather in Uruapan , Michoacan is a warm with dry winters and hot summer. During the course of the year, the temperature typically is 48°F to 82˚F and it rarely goes lower than 43˚F or higher than 85˚F. In April, the temperature starts warming up. However, it is never higher than 82˚F or lower than 56˚F. The cold season begins in November with daily temperatures below 75˚F until February with temperatures of 48˚F. In conclusion, Uruapan, Michoacan is never is really hot and is never is extremely cold. 

`The tourism attraction in Uruapan, Michoacam areThe National Park or Barranca Del Cupatizio Nationalpark. It is a national place with a lot of high trees, plants, and beautiful water falls from the river named Rio Cupatizio. This river has two natural and beautiful waterfalls named Tzararacuas, the bigger and the smaller one. By the National Park, there are a lot stands with a crafts to sell, Such as the quality guitar from Parcho, Michoacan or other crafts as Maque laquer Products.
                Finally, Uruapan Michoacan is the perfect place to live because of its avocado production. Uruapan is considered as the avocado world capital. Uruapan exports avocados to other countries such as Japan,  theUnited States, Canada, and  places in Europ. Uruapan is one of the bigger producers of avocado in the world.

                In my opinion, Uruapan, Michoacan is the perfect place to live. It has a nice weather, never cold and  never hot. IT has a tourism attraction in its a beautiful National park. The last aspect to make Uruapan, Michoacan in the perfect place to live is the amazing production of avocados. I suggested tovisit Uruapan Michoacan a beautiful city.

Atlántida, Honduras: A Place of Adventures

Atlántida, Honduras is a beautiful place where you can find different tourist attractions. Atlántida is a very nice place to live with good weather. Atlántida it is one of 18 departments Honduras has this departments is located at the north. Also Atlántida counts with friendly people and very hospitable. In Atlántida, you can find everything a little bit everything but mostly beautiful places such as a national park which is called Pico Bonito, also a wildlife refuge that is called Cuero y Salado, and a beautiful island called Cayos Cochinos.
     Pico Bonito it is national park with an amazing landscape. Pico Bonito is highest peak exist in Atlántida. In this beautiful place you can stay and enjoying good vacations, you can go swing, or see the diversity of plants and trees that have Pico Bonito. In additions you can go to walk through the park. If you decide one day visit Atlántida Honduras don’t forget go to Pico Bonito that is located less than hour from La Ceiba. When you get there an especially person are waiting for the hikers, but also is important to know that only the most equipped have the opportunity to reach Pico Bonito. 

            A second amazing place that you should visit if you go Atlántida, Honduras is the wildlife refuge called Cuero y Salado. In this place, you can enjoy the beautiful ocean view. You can travel and get into the wildlife you can do all this in boats and tourist guides show you the beauties of this place. Another good thing of this is if you want to stay the foundation of Cuero y Salado offer rental stores. You can also enjoy a good meal in Atlántida Honduras. This amazing place is up going to main road before reaching La Ceiba.

            Cayos Cochinos, also part of one of the most beautiful places in Honduras, is located near to the coast in La Ceiba. In Cayos Cochinos you can find plenty of beaches, which you can explorer the diving, but if you don’t know how to dive they offer diving classes. In addition to that you can rent kayaks and enjoy the beauty of this island. If you decide to stay overnight in Cayos Cochinos, you can find the right place, plus you’ll find where to eat and spend an unforgettable night of entertainment. 

            Without a doubt you should visit Honduras and most the Atlántida Department. In Atlántida you can spend the best day relaxing and enjoying the wonders that nature offers. You have many options where you can spend the best vacations, and you will not regret it spending your holidays in this majestic place.   


Los Guerreros Celebrations

            Los Guerreros is a beautiful little town in Mexico. It’s a place that if you see it you would want to live there. I have a lot of memories with my family, special when we do the celebration in my house, but first we went to the church and then do the parties. In my town when they celebrate December 12 and Christmas they do a big celebration. In my town we celebrate December 12 and Christmas.

            The most important celebration is on December 12, the day of the Virgin the Guadalupe. In my town, we always go to the mananitas at the church at 5:00 in the morning. After that all the people follow the music at the house of the people to play the music because some people pay the music. Then later we take the Virgencita on a parade.  Same peoples go dancing and others hold the Virgencita. However, at night we have a big feast and a big dance where every every one goes. And I like and never forget that day because all my family comes together to celebrate the Virgen  of Guadalupe and my mom birthday.

            Christmas is another big celebration as it is the day Jesus was born. That day in my town all the people have Posadas when some people stay in the house and other people stay outside and sing.  Then when that ends, all the people go inside and eat bred, tamales and posole then we broke a piñata and the celebration continue every day instill December 25. In December people make a big celebration. Everybody in the family comes together in the house and makes a lot of food and at night Santa Claus comes.  The next day everybody opens the presents but the little kids wake up at 5:00 in the morning to see what they got for Santa Clause and I like that because if they don’t got a big present they get very happy.

            In conclusion, I like the December 12 and Christmas celebration because all my family gets together. However, only miss one thing does days my mom and my dad.  Now they always stay with us in those special days. I pass those days very happy because I have all my kids in my house with me and the celebrations are very good.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tlaquepaque Pueblito, Land of Tradition

Tlaquepaque is a municipality in the State of Jalisco, Mexico. It is one hundred percent an artisanal and tourism village. This looks like a beautiful, picturesque town with its narrow, with stones streets. It is place where one feels like it is a house, breathes peace and joy. It has all the services of a great city but preserve its colonial architecture; they make you feel like in another age. The most important aspects that characterize this town are their artisanal products, the great Parian that above all you should go visit.

In Tlaquepaque, the wide variety of handmade products is due to the fact that its inhabitants have preserved cultural values hosted from generation to generation with their input on creativity same as added new content to ensure the growth of our Cultural Heritage. At the end of nineteenth century began to arrive in San Pedro visitor English, German and French who are amazed of the capacity its inhabitants to represent in mud the human expression with great case addition that between their handmade products. These are the facts of a endless of materials that are worked each of them special techniques as are the firework, wood, plastic, plaster, brass, copper, thin, blacksmithing, blown, glass, red glass, leaded, pulping, ironing, opaque, frozen, crackle, paper mache, etc. All they make with the greatest delicacy and making each one of them a great handmade product.


Parian is a famous and typical building that characterizes San Pedro Tlaquepaque, this word means market and occupies an entire city block of one hundred square meters  whit archery in quarry cities is must see for tourist natives and foreigners who enjoy an exquisite virria or different typical dishes to the Son  of Mariachi. This place has found worldwide fame especially for its delicious and fresh &quat, chela, &qual. You can hear notes of romantic trios and admire the typical dances like.

The center of the village of Tlaquepaque is beautiful and this has to be itinerary of all vacationers.  Where the main area of Pueblito has been closed to vehicular traffic making this a place of dreams where lovers can walk, listen to the band playing at the Kiosk and they can to do their shop without haste. There are over 300 quaint shops that will make you experience a real pleasure. This seemingly small Pueblito offers an amazing variety of high quality articles handmade from fine glassware and just about everything you can imagine.

Tlaquepaque Pueblito is internationally known for the quality and beauty of their handmade products made by the talented hands of its artisans. Now, it is currently the biggest handmade products center Mexico with global prestige where you can find the best crafts, you will not forget the Son of Mariachi and the typical food of Parian.


Pastor Ortiz, Michoacán: A Short History

The City of Pastor Ortiz, Michoacan (Zurumuato old name) is in north of the Mexican State of Michoacán. Its population is 6,113. The name of the City means “Place on the straw hill” in Purepecha language. Therefore, the place is identified by traditional festive dates. Pastor Ortiz, Micchoacan is an excellent place to visit, and tourists have a good time for several reason.

Pastor Ortiz, Michoacán has some beautiful places that we can enjoy. For example, the ancient church is beautiful by nature, its stairs, same ranging towards the bell tower are made of pure wood, gorgeous altar, and the old piano that even preserved, same which together create the magic of yesteryear. Another of the places of interest is the Ex hacienda the Zurumuato. At the beginning of the 17th century was own by Joseph de Figueroa and at the 19th century belonged to the Italian family Marcazuza. Its façade boats portals arches of half point at two levels. In its interior presents a square courtyard with arches of half point. Also, it has the bridge that communicates with the State of Guanajuato is one of the main monument, with almost 100 years old. This bridge has one anecdote. The people said when the bridge was constructed someone put a child in one of the walls. In conclusion, the people did that for bridge is not to felt down


In this town Pastor Ortiz, Michoacán the full of the culture there are several costumes, among which are stations of the cross, already traditional Broadway, on Holy Thursday, of the facelift of the feet of the Apostle of the cross, which go most of the inhabitants of Pastor Ortiz, Michoacán as a whole are Catholic. Another festival date is the fiestas patrias, same where year after year choose the Reina of the fiestas patrias. In November 2, the day of the dead, where each year are competition for the best altar of the dead and the day ending with traditional mass. Whoever, the biggest festivals date is in December 8, in which concur attractions from all sides for fun people. By day sings the mananitas to the Virgin the Immaculate Conception

Some of the typical dishes of Pastor Ortiz, Michoacán are delicious and amazing. For example in Pastor Ortiz, prepared, rich Enchiladas are stuffed with potato, cabbage or lettuce, cheese, salsa and clear not could miss a piece of steak really delicious. Also, it has delicious Pozole with flavored spicy and accompanied by a good toast. Finally, the delicious tacos of Birria very well prepared with a zason only in Pastor Ortiz all that food is to suck the fingers.                                                                                                   

In conclusion, Pastor Ortiz, Michoacán is unforgettable for their places, festivals dates, and delicious dishes. I like to visit Pastor Ortiz especially in December because, I could enjoy all the festivals and at the same time I visit my parents. I invite people to visit Pastor Ortiz to have a good time.


       ( ROSALINA A )

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Monterrey, Mexico: A Beutiful Place of Violence

Monterrey, Mexico. Sierra Madre Mountains (Cerro de la Silla)
 Mexico has a lot of cities, and all these cities have beautiful places and unique gastronomy. However, my favorite is Monterrey because is my home town. Some years ago tourists had a good time enjoying these places, but nowadays all this amazing places are full of violence.
Cathedral in Monterrey


Monterrey is the third biggest city of  Mexico. In it we could find many varieties of attractions, spectaculars buildings, and parks. One of the most popular places in Monterrey is the Macro plaza; it is located at the center in Monterrey. The most important buildings are the Cathedral, museums and theatres. The tourist can appreciate the preservation of the culture. The Regios can enjoy outdoors parks like The Sierra Madre Mountains  (Cerro de la Silla) and the Garcia Caves (Grutas de Garcia) , Horse Tail Falls (Cola de Caballo) and Chipinque National Park. Monterrey is a big and expensive city compared with other cities in Mexico. The regios have the opportunity to enjoy their gastronomy, cabrito, machacado,café de olla, arrachera, leche quemada, discada and more are the principals food. A few years ago Monterrey was the safest city in Mexico

Monterrey is the richest Mexican city and the capital of business, but the drug cartels have taken over almost all the businesses. Monterrey is a dangerous city and shotgun killings occur daily and kidnapping are the principal business now. The violence is impacting the beautiful places and the economy because the business owners received extortions every day. The government tried to fight with the criminals, but they cannot finish with them. The Regios are afraid to enjoy their amazing places because they do not are safe in their city and that is terrible, even the children cannot play outside. Regios are on permanent alert and the police patrolling their streets and the police officer are in danger too. Many police officers are killed or recruited by the drug cartels.

Monterrey is a huge city and their tourism could enjoy many authentic and amazing places and parks. Unfortunately, Monterrey is a beautiful but very dangerous city that the tourists cannot enjoy. The violence is the black dot in amazing Monterrey. I hope in future days everything will change and Monterrey could be the same peaceful city, it was in recent past.

Irma A.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

An Amazing University

Ciudad Guzman is an amazing town in the State of Jalisco, Mexico full of tradition, culture and Education. It has many schools of which the most famous are; The Institute of Technology, The Centro University of the South and Centro Regional de Education Normal (CREN). To me this last school is very special, not just because I had the opportunity of studying there. It a school full of history where many people study and now is teachers in all of Mexico.
                           Centro Regional de Education Normal  in Ciudad Guzman, Jalisco, Mexico

The CREN has an interesting history. It was founded on September 19, 1960. At that time Mexico needed to make schools that to prepare the future teachers in the country. The second school of teachers was built in Ciudad Guzman; Jalisco because it was the perfect place where students of the entire country could go to prepare themselves for the future as teachers. This school has more than 50 years of graduates teaching in all Mexico.
                        Centro Regional de Education Normal  in Ciudad Guzman, Jalisco, Mexico

The CREN is a unique school in the country because it has schools annexes. There the future teachers work a scholastic year teaching to regular children. In that year the students finish their formation. In the same way the CREN has its group of regional dance, music, sports team,  a carpenter workshop,  This institution has 3 kinds of university degree: Preschool, Elementary School, and Special Education,  teach to children with some disability.
                                               Preschool annex to CREN
Although the CREN is in small town like Ciudad Guzman, I am sure that this institution is remembered by all people who had the opportunity of study in that legendary school.  I was a student in this university and I have unforgettable memories in my heart and my mind. I will always remember with love the activities, practices and travels that I made during my preparation for teaching.