Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Zacatecas, Mexico: A Place of Violence

First, drug trafficking is a problem in the state of Zacatecas. Zacatecas is almost in the middle of Mexican republic and the traffickers of drugs use this route to travel to the United States because the police corruption which tolerate such activities.  The drug problem affects the state because it makes Zacatecas an insecure place to live or visit. The insecurity that involves this state makes it one of the most dangerous in the Mexican republic. Also, the corruption that exists in the police makes the people feel insecure. Therefore, these elements make Zacatecas a hard place to live.

 Next, the violence that Zacatecas in is living is very high. The people are living the worst nightmare because many young people have fire guns and shoot each other on the streets. Because of these problems, many innocent people are killed accidentally by the gangsters who fight for certain streets or territories. The police of Zacatecas probably cannot do anything about this problem, or they do not want to do anything to fix the problem. Thus, the violence is scarring to residents of Zacatecas.

 Finally, Zacatecas has another big problem with abductions for money. The abductions in Zacatecas horrify the rich people because it is risky to be kidnapped. The responsible for the abductions believe that other people are rich enough to pay for rescue for one member of the family. That problem forces  people who have a business or money to pay for protection to the same abductiers to avoid being kidnapped. However, sometimes it is not enough money and the delinquents want more money, and abduct the people that supposedly they are protecting. Without a doubt, this problem terrorizes the community of Zacatecas.

 In sum, these problems are scarry to the residents of Zacatecas alike and tourists. Many cases are not resolved by the authorities and the drug trafficking, violence, and abduction are increasing each day in this place. As a result, tourists has been decreaing because people do not feel secure when visiting the wonderful places that Zacatecas has to offer. Therefore, people are waiting for all the problems to end to have peace and a better Qualify of life, and also waiting for tourists to return.
(Santiago V.)


  1. Ithink this blog is very interesting because talk about the truth.The person who wrote this blog was honest not hypocrite


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    1. SLMay 10, 2012 12:34 PM
      I thik that we have the honor to born in a beautiful places in Mexico, but unfortunatly nowadays the insecurity are the principal notice there. The tourists can't enjoy amazing places and the Mexicans are afraid everyday.
