Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Harvest of Sinaloa

People have wrong idea about of the harvest in Sinaloa. People believe that Sinaloa only produces a marijuana harvest. Everyone ignores or disregards the eighteen counties and that produce different kinds of fruit, vegetables, fish and even venom snake, without forgetting the three most important rivers that are the Tamazula River, Humaya River, and Culiacan River.

Sinaloa is well known to be the first state at tomatoes harvests. Also grow eggplants, cucumbers, carrots, squash and fruit has watermelon, strawberries, mangos, oranges, tamarindo. There are grains like peanuts; another important harvest is the sugarcane.  Clodomiro Picado institute raises around eight hundred sneak to subtract the venom of the sneak to prepare antivenin, to help people who have been bite for sneak. This process is called sneak venom harvest. 

Sinaloa has three important rivers that are Tamazula, Humaya and Culiacan. These rivers provide every county of water for the harvest. Their beaches are: Mazatlan is the principal beach because is visited for many tourists from different countries in holy week and carnival. Other beaches like Altata and El Tambor also are visited for their citizens. Sinaloa beaches produce produces shrimp, tuna, sea bass, sardines, and marlin. Mangroves are some of most known trees because on which they oysters grow.

Sinaloa state is border for friendly state such as: by north for Sonora State, at the south by Nayarit state, North East by Chihuahua and by the East the Durango state and finally by the West Sinaloa is border by the Golf of California.  

Most people who work in the field of Sinaloa came from different states from Mexico because of the agriculture and water that the state Sinaloa has; allowed to develop many opportunities of jobs for people.  

In conclusion, even though Sinaloa State offered jobs opportunities, for those who want to work in the harvest. Most of the people that work on the fields they lack many needs such as dignity live. They do not get enough paid to live dignity. For this reason before explained above some of those people preferred to work marijuana grows. For this wrong decision this people made that the State Sinaloa is well known for the marijuana harvest.


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