Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Perfect Place to Live

Uruapan, Michoacan is one of the most beautiful cities that I know not only in Michoacan, bat also in Mexico. It is Also the municipal seat. Uruapan is located in the west-central part of the Mexican state of Michoacan. The three aspects that make Uruapan,  Michoacan  the perfect place to live are: the nice weather, the tourism industry, and the avocado production.
The weather in Uruapan , Michoacan is a warm with dry winters and hot summer. During the course of the year, the temperature typically is 48°F to 82˚F and it rarely goes lower than 43˚F or higher than 85˚F. In April, the temperature starts warming up. However, it is never higher than 82˚F or lower than 56˚F. The cold season begins in November with daily temperatures below 75˚F until February with temperatures of 48˚F. In conclusion, Uruapan, Michoacan is never is really hot and is never is extremely cold. 

`The tourism attraction in Uruapan, Michoacam areThe National Park or Barranca Del Cupatizio Nationalpark. It is a national place with a lot of high trees, plants, and beautiful water falls from the river named Rio Cupatizio. This river has two natural and beautiful waterfalls named Tzararacuas, the bigger and the smaller one. By the National Park, there are a lot stands with a crafts to sell, Such as the quality guitar from Parcho, Michoacan or other crafts as Maque laquer Products.
                Finally, Uruapan Michoacan is the perfect place to live because of its avocado production. Uruapan is considered as the avocado world capital. Uruapan exports avocados to other countries such as Japan,  theUnited States, Canada, and  places in Europ. Uruapan is one of the bigger producers of avocado in the world.

                In my opinion, Uruapan, Michoacan is the perfect place to live. It has a nice weather, never cold and  never hot. IT has a tourism attraction in its a beautiful National park. The last aspect to make Uruapan, Michoacan in the perfect place to live is the amazing production of avocados. I suggested tovisit Uruapan Michoacan a beautiful city.

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