Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Monterrey, Mexico: A Beutiful Place of Violence

Monterrey, Mexico. Sierra Madre Mountains (Cerro de la Silla)
 Mexico has a lot of cities, and all these cities have beautiful places and unique gastronomy. However, my favorite is Monterrey because is my home town. Some years ago tourists had a good time enjoying these places, but nowadays all this amazing places are full of violence.
Cathedral in Monterrey


Monterrey is the third biggest city of  Mexico. In it we could find many varieties of attractions, spectaculars buildings, and parks. One of the most popular places in Monterrey is the Macro plaza; it is located at the center in Monterrey. The most important buildings are the Cathedral, museums and theatres. The tourist can appreciate the preservation of the culture. The Regios can enjoy outdoors parks like The Sierra Madre Mountains  (Cerro de la Silla) and the Garcia Caves (Grutas de Garcia) , Horse Tail Falls (Cola de Caballo) and Chipinque National Park. Monterrey is a big and expensive city compared with other cities in Mexico. The regios have the opportunity to enjoy their gastronomy, cabrito, machacado,café de olla, arrachera, leche quemada, discada and more are the principals food. A few years ago Monterrey was the safest city in Mexico

Monterrey is the richest Mexican city and the capital of business, but the drug cartels have taken over almost all the businesses. Monterrey is a dangerous city and shotgun killings occur daily and kidnapping are the principal business now. The violence is impacting the beautiful places and the economy because the business owners received extortions every day. The government tried to fight with the criminals, but they cannot finish with them. The Regios are afraid to enjoy their amazing places because they do not are safe in their city and that is terrible, even the children cannot play outside. Regios are on permanent alert and the police patrolling their streets and the police officer are in danger too. Many police officers are killed or recruited by the drug cartels.

Monterrey is a huge city and their tourism could enjoy many authentic and amazing places and parks. Unfortunately, Monterrey is a beautiful but very dangerous city that the tourists cannot enjoy. The violence is the black dot in amazing Monterrey. I hope in future days everything will change and Monterrey could be the same peaceful city, it was in recent past.

Irma A.


  1. You are a very onest person that descrive the good things and bud things about your Hometown. All the Places that you show in your blog are interesting. Something that I admire of you is the honestidy about the biolece not only in monterrey but in all mexico.


  2. You are a very honest person that describes the good things and bad things about your hometown. All the places that you show in your blog are interesting. Something that I admire about you is the honesty with which you write about the violece, not only in Monterrey but in all Mexico.

    (Corrections by the instructor)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ESLMay 11, 2012 12:31 PM
    Long time ago, I was born curious about the City of Monterrey for its attractions, good food and fabulous places. I wanted to see this article by this desire I had but I know of the enormous uncertainty as people live its I am afraid to go and I would like to think that this is not true when I saw these pictures I convinced that is a reality. I hope to soon end the uncertainly for its people to feel free and happy.
    Cristina Zepeda
