Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Town Full of Traditions

A Town Full of Traditions
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            Pastor Ortiz is a beautiful town. It’s located north of the state of Michoacán in México. There are about 10, 000 inhabitants. It has many interesting traditions. The three main dates that people celebrate are September 16, December 8, and December 25.

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            One of the most popular dates is September 16. It’s a very interesting cultural tradition. It’s a date when people celebrate the independence of México. Therefore, people make many different activities. First, people choose the most beautiful lady of the city, so that she is the queen of national holidays. Second, they make a huge parade, where all schools of the town unite to march through the streets of town. Third, they burn a big castle and burn lots of fireworks. In addition, over at night all the people of the town unite to shout out “Viva Mexico.”
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Perhaps the most common festivity is December 8. On this day, they celebrate the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception. People make a great party with all kinds of Mexican food like enchiladas, posole, tamales, tacos, atole, and more. They also have a big mass and sing “Las Mañanitas.” In addition, they make a big fair with rides to celebrate this day.
            Another very important date is December 25.On this day; people celebrate the birth of Jesus. Therefore, they make many pursuits to celebrate the day. First of all, they gather with their families and share a great dinner. Also, for almost the entire month of December, they make many “Posadas” where they break piñatas, dance, and play music. In addition, they give a lot of gifs to the children.
            Clearly, Pastor Ortiz is a beautiful place full of culture and traditions. It is a place where people of all ages can enjoy these traditions. Regardless, if you live here or not,  you will always be welcome here.

                   By: Martha Gonzalez

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