Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Guanajuato a Colonial City

     Each city on the world has something that makes it special. A lot of cities are very modern now; with enormous buildings, long highways, and a strong architecture, but some cities keep some aspects from colonial culture. Guanajuato is an example of colonial city that come from the century XVIII, before Mexican independence and it makes Guanajuato a different city from others. Some aspects of colonial culture in Guanajuato can be found in its; museums, infrastructure, and crafts.
                                          Great view of the city from San Miguel mountain
     The museums are very important for the tourism in Guanajuato. When tourists go to visit Guanajuato they ask for the principal museums in the city, specially the “museo de las momias” that is a mummy museum, in which we can find different mummy bodies, and it is the main attraction of the city. Tourists also ask for the museum “Casa de las Leyendas”, it is a museum in which we can find and hear about all legends in all Guanajuato. Museums are the principal attractive of the city and those comes from colonial history.  

                                                 Mummy Museum                                   
       The principal aspect that show the colonial and old culture in Guanajuato city are infrastructure, like streets that are make with rocks and soil. Also the house design is a fact of ancient architecture from last centuries; these houses were built with rocks and cement. All of the colonial aspects in the infrastructure make people go back to the colonial times and feel like a part of their ancestors. Guanajuato city is train to keep all of that design that distinguishes from other cities and make a great impression on tourists.

Picture of "tuneles de guanajuato"
     A part of the colonial culture in Guanajuato is the crafts. Guanajuato has the principal event of crafts on the world called “Feria del Cervatillo”, it is celebrate all summers and it is a pride for the city. The candies are also a kind of crafts like charamuscas; it is a typical candy in form of a mummy, which comes from ancient people who taught their children and them to their children. So that’s come from colonial age and they keep their knowledge to not forget that cultural essence.
                                                Some crafts of the "Feria del Cervatillo"
      In conclusion, the aspects of the colonial culture in Guanajuato city make that city very special for tourists and residents of the city. People love to feel like their ancestors, so that’s a reason to visit Guanajuato and admire the beauty of the colonial style. I think that if that city were to lose all of those aspects they would lose the essence that makes it special.  


  1. I think all you wrote in this blog about Guanajuato is very nice. In the future, I hope visit this magnific place.

  2. All you wrote in this blog about Guanajuato is very nice. I hope to visit this magnific place very soon.


  3. I had the opportunity to know Guanajuato City around five years ago because my husband is from Guanajuato and as soon I was there, I fall in love for this wonderful city because it is so different and especial. It is incredible how Guanajuato keeps its traditional architecture from many years and that is what makes of this city a unique city in the world. I love Guanajuato.


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  5. one thing that strikes me a lot of attention of this place are the mummies. which i hope to visit soon because i find it very interesting.

